Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The BJP has become nostalgic of late and loosing every ground to all others – Some are taken away by their allies themselves, some by their party state units, some are snatched by Aravind Keijriwal and ofcourse the Congress and its allies are not to be left out.  Now they are confused what is left for them to fight and call as their own agenda. Sorrowfully none are left behind for them. They have started to oppose even non issues as CBI Director posting. You have your political fight. Spare the bureaucracy Just because you are short of issues does not mean you pull anything  into an issue. They are making India into a one issue at a time country. There was no necessity to be dogmatic about FDI. They held up the session for a full week because of their stubbornness that they just wanted to have their way. Finally, to lose a vote on account! Non issues they don’t even have a fair chance to make a point are being taken up. Instead they would have done well to work a compromise with the ruling alliance. Will the party make good for the loss of parliament time to the nation. May be they should be made to. Whoever holds up a session and finally draws a blank out of it must be made to pay. A bill for this is necessary. Hope the Government is listening.

Now coming to the FDI issue, yes to an extent the small retailers may struggle. But with the entry of malls and super markets, has it not eliminated the middlemen from our system. It has done a lot of good to hoarding of food grains, creating fake scarcity etc. Now the opposition has to fight for making the life of small traders better by giving better storage facilities to small vendors like vegetables, better storage of food grains etc. They may not ask for it since the Agriculture ministry like to maintain status quo as middlemen benefits. More so Agriculture ministry is a friend of BJP by default. When we can loose 1000s of crores on non issues that includes wasting our money on lost parliament time, failed economy due to this etc, can we not spend this usefully on providing better storage of food grains and perishables? Surely the small traders are better helped by eliminating the middlemen. But there appears a bigger conspiracy in status quo. How long does the Opposition think they can mislead the nation?

Given to understand that our food economy is about Rs. 5 lakh crores, about 20 % of it is wasted even by conservative estimates.  If this is controlled,  issues like economic slowdown, inflation etc could easily be controlled. But in the fight for supremacy by the opposition and the Government, the common man is suffering.  Now the opposition has to show some sense of responsibility.

If BJP want the Government to take their concurrence on every matter then they must  compromise with the Government and join the Government  to form a National alliance. Else wait till the general elections and if they can form a Government after that,  make amends/ scrap the law whichever they deem fit and possible. They seem to not have hope of winning.  What a desperation? And when the game of desperation unfolds at the highest echelons of the world’s largest democracy it is truly a pity! We have to hang our heads in shame! The opposition is chilidish in their behavior have to transform into a responsible opposition.

Now Mr. Keijriwal has hijacked their Anti corruption slogan by exposing the stalwarts of BJP. Now they can’t use even the “Aam Aadmi” phrase to taunt the ruling alliance. They possibly thought that the President resigning may send wrong signal before the Gujarat polls. All that was needed to keep a clean slate is to follow the rules – if someone as a public figure face allegations ask him/her to step aside and keep the position open till pendency of an enquiry. They would have shown that they are indeed different. Competing the opponent only put them in the same basket as their opponent. Two wrongs cannot make a right. Sadly the opposition is more short of ethics than the ruling party.

What with the dangling sword of dissent in the Karnataka unit, even parties like TMC are using them as a puppet.  All this is because of the immature leadership at the centre. Both leaders of the opposition should realize that their job is not to call the shots at the national party level but to function as effective opposition in the parliament.

As long as this does not happen the party will continue to wither away. But for a few leaders like Narendra Modi, the party would have reached the bottom by now.

In all what we see is not a healthy sign for the Indian democracy.

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